Donating to Colleges and Universities: A Few Guidelines Strategic Giving Donating to Colleges and Universities: A Few Guidelines Each month, an expert from the liberty movement will share thoughts on how to be…Peter LipsettJune 2, 2016
Charitable Remainder Trust Early Termination, Part 1 Tax & Estate Planning Charitable Remainder Trust Early Termination, Part 1 A charitable remainder trust (CRT) is an excellent charitable giving and income tax planning tool.…Jeff ZysikMay 20, 2016
Does Trust Matter? Liberty Movement Does Trust Matter? The other day, I walked by my bookcase and lingered on Francis Fukuyama’s Trust: The Social…Lawson BaderMay 12, 2016
Our Progress Report: 3 Things You’ll Notice Inside Why DonorsTrust Our Progress Report: 3 Things You’ll Notice Inside We just mailed our clients a copy of our 2015 Progress Report. One of the…Peter LipsettMay 5, 2016
Supporting Liberty-Minded Journalism Strategic Giving Supporting Liberty-Minded Journalism Each month, an expert from the liberty movement will share thoughts on how to be…DonorsTrustApril 29, 2016
The Sitcom Effect Can Ruin Your Charitable Legacy Donor IntentTax & Estate Planning The Sitcom Effect Can Ruin Your Charitable Legacy You’ve surely seen this trope play out on most any sit-com tv show you’ve watched.…Peter LipsettApril 19, 2016
Ty Cobb’s Philanthropy Has Lessons for Us All Donor IntentStrategic Giving Ty Cobb’s Philanthropy Has Lessons for Us All It’s not every day I stumble on an article that combines my passions for baseball,…Peter LipsettApril 6, 2016
Thinking Long-Term In A Short-Term Political Climate Strategic Giving Thinking Long-Term In A Short-Term Political Climate Each month, an expert from the liberty movement will share thoughts on how to be…Peter LipsettMarch 31, 2016
Easy, Tax-Friendly Giving Donor-Advised FundsTax & Estate Planning Easy, Tax-Friendly Giving Do you ever wish you had your own private foundation? A private foundation can make…Peter LipsettMarch 24, 2016
Privacy In Giving Is Good For Everyone Donor's Privacy Privacy In Giving Is Good For Everyone Let's be blunt. Nobody likes direct mail. In fact, one reason people choose to give…Lawson BaderMarch 18, 2016